
Ep02: Communicate and let people know you exist!

corporate skills


In this episode (series), Mei Phing discusses why communication is a crucial skill that impacts every aspect of our lives. It involves listening, speaking, writing, reading, and nonverbal cues. Failing to communicate effectively can have negative consequences.



[00:00] 🎯 Communication is vital for success in life and the workplace.

[01:55] πŸ—£οΈ Communication consists of listening, speaking, writing, reading, and nonverbal cues.

[05:07] πŸ“ Writing is an essential part of communication, especially in the current workplace.

[06:47] πŸ“– Reading improves understanding and enhances communication skills.

[09:01] πŸ‘₯ Nonverbal communication, such as body language and tone of voice, plays a significant role in effective communication.

[12:18] πŸ’Ό Communication is essential for sharing achievements and addressing issues in the workplace.

[15:05] 🌟 Improving communication skills is crucial for personal and professional growth.


Key Insights

[00:00] 🧠 Communication encompasses various components, including listening, speaking, writing, reading, and nonverbal cues. Neglecting any of these aspects can hinder effective communication.

[05:07] πŸ“ Writing is often overlooked as a crucial communication skill, but it plays a significant role in conveying intent and sharing information, especially in written forms like emails and texts.

[09:01] πŸ“– Reading enhances understanding and comprehension, allowing individuals to interpret messages accurately and develop better communication skills.

[12:18] πŸ‘₯ Nonverbal communication, such as body language and tone of voice, can significantly impact how a message is received. Paying attention to these cues is essential for effective communication.

[15:05] πŸ’Ό Effective communication is vital in the workplace. It enables individuals to share their achievements, explain issues, and build relationships, ultimately leading to growth and recognition.

[18:00] 🌟 Improving communication skills is a continuous process that requires practice and self-awareness. Recognizing and working on communication gaps can lead to significant rewards in personal and professional life.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




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