
Ep06: Leaderships starts with YOU.

corporate leader corporate skills


In this episode (series), Mei Phing discusses why leadership starts with self-management. Before leading others, one must lead themselves by developing key skills such as time management, emotional control, active listening, humility, and authenticity.



[00:00] πŸ”‘ Leadership starts with you. Develop self-management skills before leading others.

[01:35] πŸ”‘ Being in control and managing work effectively showcases leadership potential.

[04:15] πŸ”‘ New managers often struggle with the transition from execution to strategy and vision.

[07:25] πŸ”‘ Self-awareness is crucial for understanding your leadership style and areas for development.

[09:45] πŸ”‘ Mastering leadership skills not only benefits your professional life but also transforms your personal life.


Key Insights

[00:00] πŸ” Leadership is self-management and requires developing skills like time management, emotional control, active listening, humility, and authenticity. These skills lay the foundation for effective leadership.

[01:35] πŸ” Observing individuals who demonstrate strong leadership qualities, even without direct reports, allows one to recognize the importance of self-management in leadership.

[04:15] πŸ” New managers often struggle because they haven’t had the opportunity to practice and develop the necessary management skills to bridge the gap between execution and strategy.

[07:25] πŸ” Self-awareness plays a vital role in understanding your leadership style, strengths, and areas for improvement. It is the first step towards becoming an effective leader.

[09:45] πŸ” Mastering leadership skills not only benefits your professional life but also has a positive impact on your personal life, leading to overall growth and success.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




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