
Ep106: Why you need a career coach Pt 1. 3 ways a coach can help.

career coaching


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses how a professional career coach can help you overcome problems, provide career strategies, and offer a fresh perspective. They are valuable in navigating career challenges and planning for growth.



[00:00] 🎬 Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work with a professional career coach?

[01:10] πŸ€” The common misunderstanding is that people only seek career coaches when they have big problems.

[02:28] πŸ“ The three-step formula for deciding when to go to a career coach: problems, strategy, and perspective.

[04:10] 🀝 It’s important to have a win-win partnership with a career coach for maximum benefit.


Key Insights

[00:00] 🧭 Many professionals consider working with a career coach when they feel stuck or encounter significant challenges in their careers. A career coach can provide expert guidance and clarity to help navigate these obstacles and find solutions.

[02:28] πŸ—ΊοΈ Career coaches are not just for solving problems but also for developing career strategies. They can help professionals who are ambitious and serious about their growth by providing a roadmap, framework, and action plan to achieve their goals.

[04:10] 🀝 The relationship between a career coach and a client should be a collaborative partnership. Both parties should actively contribute and communicate to ensure the coaching sessions are effective and beneficial for the client’s career advancement.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




...use it to gain clarity, confidence & opportunities πŸš€