
Ep117: Work Hard vs Work Smart: Which is better?

corporate mindset corporate skills


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses the importance of working hard and working smart in one’s career. It emphasizes the need to first learn how to work hard and gain a deep understanding of one’s role and the company before focusing on working smart and finding more efficient ways of doing things.



1:45 - 🤔 Exploring the debate between working hard vs working smart and the general consensus

3:30 - 📝 Sharing a TikTok quote about the importance of learning to work hard before working smart

6:15 - 💡 Discussing the potential drawbacks of solely focusing on shortcuts and quick fixes

8:30 - 💼 Highlighting the significance of understanding the context and details in one’s work

11:00 - 📈 Exploring the formula of working hard, working smart, and networking smart for career success

14:00 - 🚀 Addressing the desire to impress quickly and the importance of foundational understanding

17:30 - 💡 Stating the importance of reputation and the need to balance working hard and working smart


Key Insights

🎯 Understanding the context and details of one’s work is essential before implementing shortcuts or quick fixes to ensure long-term career success.

💪 Working hard and gaining a deep understanding of one’s role and the company culture lays the foundation for working smart and finding more efficient ways of achieving goals.

🤝 Networking smart and developing a strong personal brand are crucial for creating opportunities and advancing in one’s career.

⚖️ Balancing working hard and working smart is key to maintaining a strong reputation and avoiding potential pitfalls in one’s professional journey.

📚 Instant gratification and the desire to impress quickly can lead to overlooking important details and negatively impact one’s reputation and career growth.

🔑 The formula for career success includes working hard, working smart, and networking smart to build a solid foundation, optimize efficiency, and create opportunities.

⏰ Taking the time to learn and understand the corporate world and one’s role before focusing on shortcuts or quick fixes is crucial for effective decision-making and overall success.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




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