
Ep129: How to define career problems and what to do.

career growth corporate leader


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses the importance of identifying and solving real career problems. It emphasizes the need for self-awareness, motivation, and open-mindedness in order to effectively address career challenges.



00:00 πŸ‘‹ The importance of addressing career problems.

01:13 πŸ˜• Signs of career dissatisfaction and the negative impact on mental health.

02:29 πŸ”„ Habits of people who genuinely want to solve their career problems, including explaining the problem, sharing previous attempts, and seeking recommendations.

04:06 πŸ’Ό Differentiating between those seeking a listening ear and those serious about finding solutions.

05:49 πŸ€” The value of being open-minded and receptive to different perspectives when seeking advice.

07:14 🎯 The importance of self-awareness and energy management in addressing career challenges.

08:47 πŸ”‘ The significance of being invested and internally motivated to solve career problems.


Key Insights

πŸ”„ It is crucial to differentiate between individuals seeking a listening ear and those genuinely motivated to solve their career problems. The latter group is characterized by their ability to clearly articulate their challenges, share previous attempts, and actively seek recommendations.

πŸ’Ό When seeking advice or guidance from an expert, it is important to have an open mind and be receptive to different perspectives. Arguing or dismissing advice can hinder the problem-solving process and limit potential solutions.

πŸ€” Self-awareness and energy management play significant roles in effectively addressing career challenges. Understanding one’s strengths, weaknesses, and growth potential can help in identifying the root causes of dissatisfaction and developing appropriate solutions.

🎯 Genuine motivation and investment in solving career problems are crucial for achieving successful outcomes. Taking action, seeking help, and being open to new approaches are indicative of individuals who are serious about finding solutions.

πŸ”‘ Addressing career problems requires a proactive mindset and a willingness to explore different strategies and perspectives. This approach can lead to personal growth, improved job satisfaction, and long-term career success.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




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