
Ep130: Career Learning: How to upskill the right way?

career growth corporate skills


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses why many people fall into the trap of learning for the sake of learning or getting the illusion of learning without actually gaining any valuable skills. Know what problem you are trying to solve and what skills you need to develop in order to grow your career.



0:20 πŸŽ₯ Visual learners enjoy watching videos or demonstrations to learn.

2:18 πŸ‘ Kinaesthetic learners need hands-on experience to truly understand and learn.

4:00 🎧 Audio learners absorb information best by listening and paying attention.

6:15 🀝 Learning from a mentor or someone more experienced can provide valuable insights.

9:10 πŸ’‘ Learning without a clear objective or understanding of the root cause of a problem can be ineffective.

11:40 πŸ” The illusion of learning occurs when people consume information without being able to apply it practically.

14:25 πŸ’° Investing time and money in learning should result in implementable skills that solve real problems.


Key Insights

πŸ€” Understanding your preferred learning style is crucial to absorbing information effectively.

πŸ’‘ Identifying the root cause of a problem is essential before seeking out learning opportunities.

🧠 Learning should focus on developing skills that can be applied to your current job or career goals.

πŸš€ Seek out learning opportunities that provide practical and implementable advice to solve specific problems.

πŸ—£ Communication skills are often misdiagnosed as language proficiency issues, emphasizing the importance of accurate self-assessment.

πŸ“š Learning should go beyond theory and frameworks to include practical guidance and real-world applications.

πŸ† Learning should result in tangible skills that add value to your career and contribute to your overall success.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




...use it to gain clarity, confidence & opportunities πŸš€