
Ep138: What 3 of my clients did to attract opportunities.

career coaching career growth corporate mindset job searching linkedin strategy


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses client success stories and how they achieved career growth and opportunities through mindset, strategy, and consistency.



[02:15] πŸ’Ό Mei Phing shares a success story of a client who transitioned from the public sector to the private sector and achieved a 39% increase in the overall package.

[05:34] πŸ… Mei Phing discusses another client’s success in nailing a job interview for her dream job and receiving a promotion offer without actively searching.

[08:56] πŸ’° Mei Phing emphasizes the importance of performing well at work to generate real value and attract opportunities.

[11:20] 🀝 Mei Phing highlights the significance of making a lasting impression during interviews and networking on LinkedIn to secure future opportunities.

[14:10] πŸ’ͺ Mei Phing guides a client on negotiating a higher salary for an assistant manager position and addresses previous salary negotiation mistakes.


Key Insights

πŸ‘ Consistency in mindset, strategy, and performance at work is crucial for career growth and attracting opportunities.

πŸ’Ό Building a positive reputation through overdelivering and demonstrating value can lead to being handpicked for promotions and new roles.

πŸšͺ Just because one job opportunity doesn’t work out, it doesn’t mean all doors are closed. Good impressions can lead to future opportunities.

πŸ’° Salary negotiation mistakes can be rectified by learning how to calculate compensation plans and presenting a strong case to HR.

πŸ“… The timeline for career growth varies, but a combination of mindset, strategy, and consistency can accelerate progress.

🀝 Networking on LinkedIn and maintaining connections with hiring managers can result in unexpected job offers and promotions.

😷 Maintaining good performance at work during challenging times can lead to long-term success and recognition.



Do you want to grow your career with clarity, confidence and opportunities?

Get my 5-Day Career Growth Guide & Training (link below) ↓↓

See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




...use it to gain clarity, confidence & opportunities πŸš€