
Ep146: My biggest limiting belief.

career growth corporate mindset


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses the limiting belief that many professionals have, which is that career success requires a lot of struggle and hard work. Encourages a shift in perspective to focus on making work easier and more satisfying.



0:34 πŸ€” Many people may react with confusion or defensiveness when you say your career has been easy.

2:42 πŸ˜” The belief that career success requires struggle is a common limiting belief.

5:18 🧠 Shift your perspective and focus on how to make your career easier and more satisfying.

9:52 πŸ™Œ Take charge of your own career and don’t let others’ negative experiences define yours.

14:06 πŸ’‘ Overcoming limiting beliefs and focusing on making work easier can lead to better results and satisfaction.

16:58 🌟 Encourages listeners to share the perspective shift with others and strive for a more satisfying career.


Key Insights

πŸ€” The common belief that career success requires struggle and hard work, and how it limits individuals’ perspectives and experiences.

πŸ˜” The author shares their personal experience of initially accepting the belief but realizing the need to shift their perspective to focus on making work easier and more satisfying.

🧠 Emphasizes the importance of taking charge of one’s own career and not letting others’ negative experiences define one’s own path.

πŸ™Œ Overcoming limiting beliefs and focusing on making work easier can lead to better results, less stress, and greater satisfaction in one’s career.

πŸ’‘ Encourages listeners to share the perspective shift with others, as it can help them navigate the corporate world more seamlessly and enjoy a more satisfying career.

🌟 Concludes by inviting listeners to share their current limiting beliefs about their careers and encourages them to strive for a more positive and fulfilling work experience.

✨ Reminds listeners to like, subscribe, and share the podcast to help it grow and reach more people who may benefit from the perspective shift.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




...use it to gain clarity, confidence & opportunities πŸš€