
Ep163: 5 best job opportunities on LinkedIn.

career growth job searching linkedin strategy


In this episode, Mei Phing shares her experience of attracting job opportunities on LinkedIn while not actively looking out and provides tips for success on this professional job search and networking platform for 9-5 professionals. 



0:38 πŸ† Mei Phing has been honoured with the LinkedIn Top Voice Award in the careers category.

1:13 πŸ” Many corporate professionals struggle to attract new opportunities on LinkedIn, but it is possible with the right strategy.

2:07 🀝 Building strong relationships and delivering value in your current role can lead to referrals from corporate leaders.

4:18 πŸ”Ž Optimizing your LinkedIn profile with relevant keywords can help recruiters find you.

6:00 πŸ“© Recruiters actively search for candidates on LinkedIn, so having a strong profile can attract job offers.

7:50 πŸ” Utilizing LinkedIn Jobs can help you discover relevant opportunities and apply directly through the platform.

9:18 🌟 Setting up your LinkedIn profile correctly can lead to fast interview processes and job offers.


Key Insights

πŸ’Ό Building strong relationships and delivering value in your current role can lead to referrals from corporate leaders. This shows the importance of focusing on your value and reputation within your industry.

πŸ” Optimizing your LinkedIn profile with relevant keywords is crucial for attracting recruiters. This allows them to find you based on your skills, experiences, and achievements.

πŸ“© Recruiters actively search for candidates on LinkedIn, so having a strong profile can increase your chances of being approached for job opportunities. It is important to sell your professional value effectively.

🌟 Utilizing LinkedIn Jobs can help you discover relevant job opportunities that match your skills and interests. This feature is a valuable resource for job seekers.

⏱️ Setting up your LinkedIn profile correctly can lead to fast interview processes and job offers. By having a strong profile, recruiters can quickly assess your suitability for a role and reach out to you promptly.

πŸ† Being recognized with awards or accolades on LinkedIn, such as the LinkedIn Top Voice Award, can enhance your professional reputation and attract further career opportunities.

πŸ“© LinkedIn serves as a powerful platform for attracting job opportunities, even if you are not actively job searching. By maintaining an optimized profile and staying visible, you can attract attention from recruiters and industry professionals.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




...use it to gain clarity, confidence & opportunities πŸš€