
Ep169: TikTok is destroying your career.

corporate mindset corporate skills managing expectations


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses TikTok as a popular app that can negatively impact one’s career by reducing attention span, promoting instant gratification, and creating emotional imbalances. 



0:13 🎧 TikTok is a widely popular app among various generations, but its negative effects on careers are often overlooked.

1:19 ⏰ The app can decrease attention span, making it difficult to concentrate and produce quality work.

3:07 πŸ† The expectation of instant gratification can lead to impatience and hinder long-term career growth.

4:38 😑 Regular exposure to emotionally intense content on TikTok can trigger negative emotions and impact work performance.

6:18 πŸ€” It is important to be mindful of how social media usage, particularly TikTok, can subconsciously influence behaviours and perspectives.

7:45 πŸ’Ό Following and learning from successful individuals can positively shape career development.


Key Insights

🎯 The excessive use of TikTok can harm one’s ability to focus and pay attention to detail, leading to poor work quality and potential consequences in a professional setting.

βŒ› The expectation of instant gratification cultivated by TikTok can create unrealistic attitudes towards work, hindering career growth and progress.

😒 TikTok’s emotionally charged content can influence one’s emotional state, potentially affecting work relationships, performance, and opportunities for advancement.

πŸ“² Social media usage, including TikTok, should be carefully managed to ensure it aligns with one’s career goals and does not negatively impact professional development.

πŸ“š Following and learning from successful individuals in the desired field can provide valuable insights and guidance for career growth.

πŸ€” It is important to reflect on personal social media usage habits and consider how they may be affecting career prospects and overall well-being.

πŸ’¬ Sharing experiences and insights about TikTok and its impact on careers can foster a discussion and raise awareness about its potential pitfalls.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




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