
Ep176: Should you get a Master’s degree?

career growth career planning corporate skills job searching


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses why graduating from a top university or obtaining a master’s degree may not be necessary for career growth. It is important to focus on building career foundations.



0:15 💡 Education does not guarantee career success.

1:20 💡 Two groups of people consider pursuing a master’s degree: those who believe it will open new opportunities and those who want to escape their current job.

4:30 💡 Personal development and improving workplace skills may be more valuable than obtaining a master’s degree.

7:05 💡 Overcoming workplace challenges and developing a growth mindset are essential for career advancement.

10:40 💡 Pursuing higher education without addressing existing workplace challenges may not lead to career success.

13:35 💡 The importance of learning how to sell yourself and position your value in the job market.

17:20 💡 Graduating from a top university may prioritize education, but mindset around education versus career success is crucial.


Key Insights

💡 Pursuing higher education should be a strategic decision based on the individual’s career goals and the value the qualification brings. It is important to consider the relevance and applicability of the degree in the desired field.

💡 Personal development, improving workplace skills, and addressing workplace challenges are often more valuable for career growth than obtaining a master’s degree. These skills can be learned through career coaching and courses.

💡 Graduating from a top university may provide a competitive advantage, but mindset and the ability to sell oneself are equally important. It is essential to learn how to articulate and package one’s skills and experiences to stand out to potential employers.

💡 Avoiding workplace challenges and seeking higher education as an escape may not lead to long-term career success. It is crucial to develop a growth mindset and overcome challenges to progress in one’s career.

💡 Higher education does not guarantee a smooth career journey. It is important to continuously learn and adapt to new environments, regardless of qualifications.

💡 The investment of time, money, and energy in pursuing a master’s degree should be weighed against other potential career development opportunities. Prioritizing personal growth and skill-building can often lead to better career outcomes.

💡 Graduating from a top university may prioritize education, but it is essential to also prioritize career development and the skills necessary for success in the working world.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




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