
Ep184: Why smart people fail in the corporate world.

career growth corporate mindset


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses why many young professionals mistakenly believe that good grades will lead to career success, but they do not guarantee a successful career. Success in the corporate world requires skills beyond academic achievements.



0:00 πŸ“š: Paper qualifications are highly regarded in Asian society, but they do not guarantee a successful career. Many young professionals believe that good grades will automatically lead to a smooth sailing career, but this is a misconception.

1:30 πŸ“š: A frustrated young professional reached out for help, wondering why her top academic performance did not translate into success in her new job. The formula of qualification equaling immediate career success is incorrect.

3:15 πŸ“š: The qualities that make someone successful in university, such as perfectionism and risk aversion, can be problematic in the workplace. Seeking perfection and avoiding help can hinder performance and hinder building relationships and getting support.

6:30 πŸ“š: Overthinking decisions and actions can lead to inaction and hinder communication and relationship building. Being proactive and seeking guidance and feedback is crucial in the working world.

11:45 πŸ“š: Job search is only a small part of career success. Understanding the corporate world, developing core corporate skills, and building a personal brand are essential for long-term success.

15:00 πŸ“š: Smart people often self-sabotage by overthinking and fearing judgment and failure. Combining academic achievements with adaptability and the right strategies can lead to a successful and enjoyable career.

18:00 πŸ“š: Being proud of academic achievements and being willing to learn and adapt in the working world is crucial for building a strategic and sustainable career.


Key Insights

πŸ’‘ Qualifications alone do not guarantee career success. Success in the corporate world requires skills beyond academic achievements, such as adaptability and interpersonal skills.

πŸ’‘ Perfectionism and risk aversion, common traits among high-achieving students, can hinder performance in the workplace. Being open to seeking help and guidance is essential.

πŸ’‘ Overthinking decisions and actions can lead to inaction and hinder communication and relationship building. Being proactive and seeking feedback is crucial for success.

πŸ’‘ Job search is just the beginning. Understanding the corporate world, developing core corporate skills, and building a personal brand are key for long-term success.

πŸ’‘ Smart people often self-sabotage by overthinking and fearing judgment and failure. Combining academic achievements with adaptability and the right strategies can lead to a successful career.

πŸ’‘ Being proud of academic achievements and being willing to learn and adapt in the working world is crucial for building a strategic and sustainable career. Confidence and a positive attitude are essential.

πŸ’‘ Building a successful and enjoyable career requires a combination of academic achievements, adaptability, and the right strategies. It is possible to overcome self-doubt and achieve career success.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




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