
Ep198: How to RESET your career for 2024.

career coaching career growth corporate mindset corporate skills


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses the importance of reflecting, resetting, and restrategizing in one’s career. It emphasizes the need to assess both the good and bad aspects of the past year and how to overcome career challenges.



0:14 ⏱️ Reflecting on one’s career helps untangle thoughts and identify areas for improvement.

0:46 ⏱️ Resetting involves committing to making the next year the best and taking charge of one’s career.

1:25 ⏱️ Restrategizing is crucial to ensure that hard work leads to desired results and prevents wasted efforts.

3:44 ⏱️ The “Good” category focuses on recognizing achievements and determining strategies for future success.

5:36 ⏱️ The “Bad” category involves identifying challenges and seeking new perspectives and strategies for improvement.

8:15 ⏱️ The “Ugly” category encompasses major career setbacks, but with the right mindset and support, they can be overcome.

10:15 ⏱️ The video encourages viewers to set intentions and provides resources for further career growth.


Key Insights

💡 Reflection and assessment are essential for personal growth and career development. Without understanding past experiences, it is challenging to move forward effectively.

💡 Commitment and a positive mindset are necessary for resetting and taking control of one’s career. It requires active participation and a proactive approach to make positive changes.

💡 Restrategizing ensures that efforts are focused and aligned with desired outcomes. Without a clear plan, hard work can be wasted and lead to frustration.

💡 Recognizing achievements and identifying strategies for repeating or surpassing them is crucial for ongoing success and fulfillment.

💡 Challenges and setbacks should be seen as opportunities for growth. Seeking new perspectives and strategies can turn negative experiences into valuable learning opportunities.

💡 Major career setbacks can be overcome with the right mindset and support. It is important to believe in personal power and take ownership of one’s career journey.

💡 Setting intentions and utilizing resources for career growth can lead to personal and professional transformation. It is important to take advantage of available support and guidance.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




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