
Ep208: How to stop feeling not good enough (Start believing in yourself!)

about mei phing career growth corporate mindset


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses why feeling not good enough in your career is normal, especially when trying new things. Making the decision to believe in yourself and take action is the key to overcoming this mindset.



[00:00] 🎯 Feeling not good enough in your career is common, regardless of your experience or position.

[02:30] 🌟 Experiencing setbacks and feeling not good enough early in your career can be a blessing in disguise, as it helps you grow and learn.

[04:15] πŸ’ͺ Making the decision to not accept your current reality and take action is the most powerful step towards overcoming the feeling of not being good enough.

[06:45] πŸš€ Deciding to try new things and taking action is essential for personal growth and finding new opportunities.

[09:10] πŸ€” The fear of failure and lack of self-belief often hold people back from making decisions and pursuing their dreams.

[11:30] 🌟 The power of self-leadership and having confidence in your decision-making abilities is crucial for career success.

[14:00] 🎯 Seeking guidance and advice is important, but ultimately, the courage to make a decision lies within yourself.


Key Insights

[00:00] 🎯 Feeling not good enough in your career is a common experience, regardless of your level or position. It is especially prevalent when trying new things or pursuing ambitious goals.

[04:15] πŸ’ͺ Making the decision to not accept your current reality and taking action is the most powerful step towards overcoming the feeling of not being good enough. It requires courage and a belief in your own capabilities.

[09:10] πŸ€” Fear of failure and a lack of self-belief often hold people back from making decisions and pursuing their dreams. It is important to address these fears and develop confidence in your abilities.

[11:30] 🌟 Self-leadership and having confidence in your decision-making abilities are crucial for career success. Taking ownership of your choices and having a clear vision of what you want to achieve is key.

[14:00] 🎯 Seeking guidance and advice is important, but ultimately, the courage to make a decision lies within yourself. Relying too heavily on external opinions can lead to indecision and a lack of personal growth.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




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