
Ep36: What you need to know as a job seeker.

job searching


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses why job seekers should focus on enhancing their resume, reaching out to people in their network, and actively applying for roles they are interested in, rather than getting distracted with learning and creating online content.



01:02 πŸ“Œ Job seekers should prioritize enhancing their resume and reaching out to people in their network.

03:25 πŸ“Œ It is important to have a clear idea of the roles you are looking for and tailor your resume accordingly.

06:15 πŸ“Œ Creating content can be beneficial, but it should be tailored towards the skills and value you can offer as a job seeker.

09:32 πŸ“Œ Online platforms like LinkedIn can be effective for job searching, but it’s crucial to ensure your profile reflects your resume and specific job goals.

12:08 πŸ“Œ Building relationships and adding value in your current role can have a significant impact on your job search.

14:40 πŸ“Œ Job seekers should focus their networking efforts on connecting with industry professionals and recruiters, and actively applying for relevant roles.

17:07 πŸ“Œ Tailoring your resume to fit each job description is essential in the current competitive job market.


Key Insights

🧐 It’s important for job seekers to prioritize their activities and focus on what will help them secure a job rather than getting distracted with unrelated tasks.

πŸ’‘ Having a clear idea of the roles you are interested in and tailoring your resume accordingly increases your chances of getting noticed by potential employers.

πŸ€” Creating content can be beneficial, but it should be relevant to the skills and value you can offer as a job seeker, rather than just for the sake of creating content.

🌐 Online platforms like LinkedIn can be valuable for job searching, but it’s crucial to optimize your profile to reflect your resume and specific job goals.

🀝 Building relationships and adding value in your current role can lead to future job opportunities and recommendations from colleagues and supervisors.

πŸ“ž Networking efforts should be focused on connecting with industry professionals and recruiters who can help you find relevant job opportunities.

✍️ Tailoring your resume to fit each job description is essential in a competitive job market to demonstrate your suitability for the role.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




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