
Ep54: Why you should get along with your boss.

managing expectations people culture


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses why building a strong working relationship with your boss is crucial for career growth and future opportunities. Understanding your boss’s personality, communication style, and priorities is key to getting along well with them.



00:50 πŸ” The most important person in your career is your boss, who directly impacts your performance and future opportunities.

03:36 πŸ’Ό Understanding your boss’s personality, communication style, and priorities is essential for success.

08:10 πŸ’ͺ Building a strong relationship with your boss can lead to referrals and job opportunities in the future.

13:25 🌟 Your boss’s validation of your work can open doors to new opportunities.

17:05 🚫 While it’s important to work well with your boss, avoid trying to be their best friend.

19:55 🀝 Focus on understanding and aligning with your boss’s working preferences and thought process.

21:45 πŸ’‘ Ask yourself how well you get along with your boss and how well you understand them.


Key Insights

πŸ‘₯ Understanding and getting along with your boss is crucial because they evaluate your performance and can provide referrals for future opportunities. It’s important to build a strong working relationship with them.

πŸ’Ό Knowing your boss’s personality, communication style, and priorities helps you align your work and understand their expectations. This leads to better performance and feedback.

πŸ”€ Building a strong relationship with your boss can result in recommendations for job opportunities from their peers and contacts. Your boss’s validation of your work carries weight in the corporate world.

πŸ“ˆ Your boss’s opinion of your work can directly impact your career growth and open doors to new opportunities. Their referrals can lead to smooth job interviews and offers.

πŸ™…‍♀️ While it’s important to have a good working relationship with your boss, it’s not necessary to become their best friend. Focus on professionalism and delivering results.

🀝 Understanding your boss’s working preferences, thought process, and communication style is essential for productive collaboration. This helps you align with their expectations and work effectively together.

❓ Regularly assess how well you get along with your boss and how well you understand them. This self-reflection can help identify areas for improvement and enhance your professional relationship.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




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