
Ep56: Work less hours and get better results.

corporate skills managing expectations


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses how working less hours and achieving better results is possible by focusing on targeted learning, understanding communication styles, gaining industry knowledge, and identifying and improving skills gaps.



1:11 πŸ“Š The question of whether young people should work on weekends is discussed.

2:32 πŸ’‘ The importance of focusing on the scope and responsibilities of your job before taking on additional work is emphasized.

4:19 πŸƒ‍♀️ Mei Phing advises against rushing to move up the career ladder too quickly, as it can lead to burnout.

6:02 πŸ“š Investing time in understanding different communication styles and improving industry knowledge can lead to better results.

9:30 🎯 Identifying and addressing skills gaps, both technical and soft skills, can help accelerate career growth.

13:16 πŸ“ Targeted learning that directly relates to your job and goals is emphasized as the most effective form of learning.


Key Insights

πŸ”‘ It is important for young professionals to strike a balance between enthusiasm and overworking, as burning out can hinder long-term career growth.

πŸ”‘ Understanding communication styles and clarifying expectations can save time and prevent rework.

πŸ”‘ Investing extra time to improve industry knowledge can help young professionals adapt faster and perform better in their roles.

πŸ”‘ Identifying and addressing skills gaps, both technical and soft skills, is crucial for career advancement.

πŸ”‘ Targeted learning that directly addresses specific job requirements and goals is more valuable than general knowledge acquisition.

πŸ”‘ Learning should be focused on productivity, efficiency, and achieving desired results, rather than being merely a hobby.

πŸ”‘ Taking a strategic approach to learning and focusing on areas that will have the greatest impact on career growth is essential.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




...use it to gain clarity, confidence & opportunities πŸš€