
Ep58: Find a job using LinkedIn. 3 best ways.

career growth job searching linkedin strategy


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses why LinkedIn can be a powerful platform. Building a strong profile, attracting recruiters, and leveraging your connections, you can increase your chances of landing interviews and job offers.



[00:00] πŸ’Ό LinkedIn can help you advance your career if used correctly.

[02:30] 🧠 Treating LinkedIn as a professional platform is crucial for success.

[05:45] πŸ“š Utilize the LinkedIn Jobs functionality to find available positions.

[08:15] πŸ”Ž Build a strong profile to increase your chances of getting job recommendations.

[11:10] πŸ“’ Attract recruiters and head-hunters by updating your profile and visibility settings.

[14:20] 🀝 Leverage your connections for job referrals and opportunities.

[17:30] βœ… Using the right strategies on LinkedIn can lead to job offers and career growth.


Key Insights

[00:00] πŸ’Ό LinkedIn can be a valuable tool for job seekers and professionals looking to grow their careers.

[05:45] πŸ“š Actively using the LinkedIn Jobs functionality and building a strong profile can increase your chances of finding job opportunities.

[11:10] πŸ“’ Updating your LinkedIn profile and optimizing your visibility settings is crucial for attracting recruiters and head-hunters.

[14:20] 🀝 Building a network of connections can lead to job referrals and opportunities.

[17:30] βœ… Utilizing the right strategies on LinkedIn can result in job offers and career advancement.

[20:00] 🌟 Treating LinkedIn as a professional platform and having the right intentions are key to success.

[22:15] πŸš€ Taking the time to learn and implement effective LinkedIn strategies can yield significant results in your job search and career growth.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




...use it to gain clarity, confidence & opportunities πŸš€