
Ep63: Do you say YES to every request at work?

corporate skills managing expectations


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses a high-achieving client who struggled with imposter syndrome and focused too much on personal branding, leading to a lack of foundational skills and frustration. With guidance, he improved his soft skills and achieved success in his management trainee program.



1:53 😰 Client’s struggle with imposter syndrome and lack of visibility

3:35 πŸŽ“ Importance of aligning expectations with reality in the corporate world

5:43 πŸ’Ό Client’s focus on personal branding and lack of foundational skills

8:10 πŸ“‰ Consequences of not delivering and damaging professional reputation

9:50 🌟 Success in the management trainee program and acceptance into top department

11:34 πŸš€ Ongoing challenge of managing expectations and workload in the corporate world


Key Insights

🎯 Imposter syndrome and high achievers: Many top performers experience imposter syndrome and consistently feel like they should have done more, leading to frustration and self-doubt.

πŸ’‘ Expectation versus reality: Fresh graduates often have unrealistic expectations of the corporate world, and when faced with the reality, it can create self-doubt and frustration. Seeking guidance from experienced professionals can provide a more accurate perspective.

🌱 Focus on foundational skills: While personal branding is important, young professionals should prioritize improving industry knowledge, technical skills, and core soft skills to excel in their careers.

πŸ”‘ Managing workload and expectations: Avoid the habit of constantly volunteering for new tasks and focus on aligning goals, giving regular updates, and learning how to handle disagreements and presentations.

πŸŽ“ Leveraging top performer status: Top performers should learn to leverage their natural motivation, assertiveness, and dedication without letting it turn against them. Understanding boundaries and effective work management can lead to sustained success.

πŸ”„ Continuous growth and learning: Young professionals should seek ongoing guidance and training to navigate the challenges of the corporate world and ensure their career progression.

πŸ’ͺ Overcoming challenges: With the right support and guidance, young professionals can overcome struggles, improve their skills, and achieve success in their careers. Persistence and a growth mindset are key.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




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