
Ep78: Getting hired with ZERO full-time experience.

job searching linkedin strategy


In this episode, Mei Phing shares a client who took a gap year and struggled to find a full-time job but with career clarity, resume and LinkedIn profile improvements, and networking strategies, he eventually landed a senior position with a higher salary.



0:59 πŸ—’οΈ A client took a gap year and struggled to find a full-time job upon returning.

2:25 πŸ“„ Resume review revealed flowery language and lack of clear career story.

4:10 πŸ–₯️ LinkedIn profile was optimized to attract attention and improve visibility.

5:50 🀝 Networking and engagement strategies helped the client stand out.

7:10 πŸ’Ό Client landed a role that required more experience and received a higher salary.

9:18 πŸ”„ After a few months, the client was headhunted for a closer-to-desired role.

10:40 πŸ‘ Success story demonstrates the importance of career clarity and value articulation.


Key Insights

πŸ—’οΈ Taking a gap year can impact job search, but with the right strategies, one can still land a desired position.

πŸ“„ A well-written resume, free from flowery language, is crucial for the corporate world.

πŸ–₯️ Optimizing a LinkedIn profile, especially the banner, can significantly improve visibility to recruiters.

🀝 Networking and engagement strategies on LinkedIn can lead to multiple interview calls and career opportunities.

πŸ’Ό Positioning one’s value in a resume and LinkedIn profile can help bypass entry-level positions and secure higher-level roles.

πŸ”„ Continuous application of job search strategies can lead to even better career opportunities in the future.

πŸ‘ Having career clarity and a clear value proposition are essential foundations for a successful job search.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




...use it to gain clarity, confidence & opportunities πŸš€