
Ep83: When to ask about salary during an interview?

job searching salary negotiation


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses the best time to ask about salary during a job interview. It emphasizes the importance of demonstrating value first and waiting for the right timing to bring up the topic of pay.



0:38 ⏱️ Timing of salary discussion is crucial

1:35 ⏱️ Candidates should focus on demonstrating value first

3:07 ⏱️ Asking about salary too early can give a negative impression

4:40 ⏱️ Sharing an example of a candidate asking about salary at the wrong time

6:55 ⏱️ Demonstrating value before discussing salary is key to success

9:15 ⏱️ It may take multiple interviews to fully demonstrate value

11:12 ⏱️ Having the right mindset towards job searching and salary negotiations is essential


Key Insights

💡 Demonstrating value and building rapport with interviewers is crucial before discussing salary. Candidates should focus on showcasing their skills, experiences, and career growth mindset.

💡 Asking about salary too early in the interview process can give the impression that a candidate is solely motivated by money and not interested in contributing to the company.

💡 Timing is key when it comes to discussing salary. Waiting until later stages of the interview or when interviewing with senior decision-makers can increase the chances of negotiating a higher compensation package.

💡 Candidates should approach job interviews with a positive and selfless mindset, focusing on what they can bring to the company rather than just what they can gain monetarily.

💡 Demonstrating value may require more than one interview, especially for competitive roles. Candidates should be patient and persistent in showcasing their skills and experiences.

💡 Having the right mindset and approach towards job searching and salary negotiations is crucial for long-term career development and growth.

💡 It is important for candidates to carefully consider the timing and manner in which they ask about salary to avoid giving a negative impression to hiring managers.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




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