
Ep86: A bad attitude gets you NOWHERE in your career.

corporate mindset people culture


In this episode, Mei Phing shares an encounter with a rude person online who demanded help but had a bad attitude. Emphasizes the importance of attitude and manners in the corporate world.



00:57 πŸ’Ό A fresh graduate with a demanding attitude asked for help rudely.

05:23 πŸ€” Shares the encounter on LinkedIn and receives support from others.

10:18 πŸ“± The rude person sends a threatening email asking her to remove the post.

14:06 βš–οΈ Contemplates whether to delete the post or keep it as a lesson for others.

9:45 πŸ’‘ Another message from a polite undergraduate highlights the importance of attitude.

24:30 πŸ—£οΈ Asks for advice from the community on what to do with the post.

29:12 🌟 Emphasizes the need for self-reflection and good manners in the working world.


Key Insights

πŸ’Ό Attitude matters: The encounter with a rude person shows the significance of having a positive and respectful attitude in one’s career. A demanding and entitled mindset can hinder professional growth.

πŸ“± Online behavior: The host highlights the importance of treating the online world as seriously as the offline world. Being rude or entitled online reflects poorly on one’s character and can have real-life consequences.

βš–οΈ Deleting or keeping the post: The host faces a dilemma of whether to delete the post or keep it as a lesson. This decision will send a message about how society tolerates demanding and rude behavior.

πŸ’‘ Contrasting attitudes: The comparison between the rude person and a polite undergraduate highlights the impact of attitude and manners. Having a respectful and humble approach can make a positive impression and open doors for opportunities.

πŸ—£οΈ Seeking advice: The host seeks input from the community on what to do with the post, recognizing the importance of collaboration and diverse perspectives in decision-making.

🌟 Self-reflection: The host encourages self-reflection and personal growth, reminding listeners that the world does not revolve around individuals. Developing win-win relationships, effective communication, and good presentation skills are essential for success.

πŸ€” Concerns for younger professionals: The host expresses concerns about how young professionals with entitled attitudes will navigate the corporate world. The working world requires navigating complex dynamics, and a negative attitude can hinder progress.



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See you on the inside! — Mei Phing




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