Hey Anna!
2022 might have been a challenging year for you.
It was the same for me.
Here are some self-care habits I've adopted over the years.
Also, several helpful ones I started this year.
The first thing you do every morning sets the mood for the rest of your day — good or bad.
My mood booster is when I share my 1st post on LinkedIn and hit send for my newsletter in the AM.
I spent a lot of time on social media and it’s sometimes easy to come across people who are negative or content that stresses me out.
I unfollow and move on.
I believe in having a small dose of happiness every day. And, it comes in a cup of ice-cold drink.
I start my day happy, buzzed up and feeling like I am ready to deal with any drama rama.
I’ve made peace this year by dealing with the occasional people who want my career advice and what I offer in my courses — for free.
It’s a “no” to be fair to my 1:1 clients and course students.
If something makes you anxious or uncomfortable, it’s better to say or do something about it.
If you’ve put in all your effort and got advice from the right people, but it’s not changing, then time to say goodbye.
It's never too late to reset and restart.
You're worth it.
So Anna, which self-care habit will you try? :)
With love,
Mei Phing