Ep209: Is it better to be an individual contributor? career growth career planning


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses why being an individual contributor can limit career growth and opportunities for collaboration with others. It may also lead to feeling stuck in a repetitive role and potential risks of being replaced or reaching a salary ceiling.



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Ep207: SME vs MNC - Where should I work? career growth career planning


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses the pros and cons of working in an SME (Small and Medium-sized Enterprise) compared to an MNC (Multinational Corporation) and her strategy for deciding the best time to transition between the two.



[00:00] The podcast discusses...

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Ep206: Generalist vs Specialist - Which is better for career growth? career growth career planning


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses which is the better career path for growth between a specialist and a generalist, and the best approach where you can become a generalist in a specialist space.



[00:00] Being a specialist offers core skills and expertise, making you...

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Ep195: How to attract new opportunities for career growth. career coaching career growth career planning job searching linkedin strategy


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses why LinkedIn is not just a social media platform, but a professional platform where 9-to-5 professionals can attract new career opportunities by showcasing their value and professional reputation.



0:15 LinkedIn is the best platform...

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Ep191: How do I find career clarity? career planning corporate mindset


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses the importance of career clarity and offers insights on generating ideas, considering different perspectives, and practicing self-leadership to achieve career success.



0:25 Mei Phing's background as a career expert and former...

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Ep189: Where do you see yourself in 3 years? career planning job searching


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses whether you'd feel happy staying in your current career situation for the next three years. It emphasizes the need for clarity and determination to make necessary changes and improve skills before pursuing new opportunities.



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Ep176: Should you get a Master’s degree? career growth career planning corporate skills job searching


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses why graduating from a top university or obtaining a master’s degree may not be necessary for career growth. It is important to focus on building career foundations.



0:15 Education does not guarantee career success.

1:20 ...

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Ep170: Mentoring Call Pt.1 - How to deal with a job change or new career. career planning corporate mindset managing expectations people culture


In this episode (series), Mei Phing takes viewers behind the scenes of her monthly group mentoring sessions. These sessions help 9-to-5 professionals implement her 3-step framework for becoming more confident, competent, and visible in their careers.



00:45 The main goal...

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Ep166: Working in Malaysia vs Singapore. The pros and cons. career planning managing expectations


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses the pros and cons of working in Singapore or Malaysia. It highlights the abundant opportunities and flexibility in Malaysia, while in Singapore, the broad exposure and expertise gained, as well as the high quality of work expected. 



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Ep164: Will you lose your job to ChatGPT? career planning corporate skills


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses the topic of Chat GPT and the future of AI, specifically in relation to its impact on 9-to-5 jobs. Using AI to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace with the need for critical thinking and communication skills when utilizing these...

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