Ep177: Quitting social media for a happier career. corporate mindset corporate skills personalities


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses how quitting social media allowed her to focus on her corporate career and provides tips on managing social media to prevent it from affecting work. Distractions lead to poor work performance.



0:00 [] Definition...

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Ep171: Mentoring Call Pt.2 - How to deal with toxic people problems at work. career growth corporate mindset corporate skills managing expectations personalities


In this episode (series), Mei Phing discusses the second step of her career course, which focuses on developing core corporate skills. She shares a student’s question about dealing with a difficult new manager and provides guidance on how to handle the situation effectively.


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Ep148: 3 types of people you'll meet at every job. people culture personalities


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses three types of people you will encounter in the workplace: the complain channel, the commentator style, and the corporate survivor. It emphasizes the importance of choosing who you want to become.



0:19 The complain channel: someone...

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Ep142: How to build win-win relationships with people. people culture personalities


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses the importance of developing win-win relationships in the corporate world and how it can impact career advancement. It highlights the key factors of communication, understanding others, and the role individuals play in the organization.



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Ep141: How to deal with crazy toxic people. people culture personalities


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses the topic of toxic people in the workplace and the importance of defining what toxic means to you. Personal experiences and lessons learned, emphasizing the validity of one’s feelings and the need to address bad behaviour rather than ignoring it....

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Ep131: Do you judge yourself? Here's WHY. corporate mindset personalities


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses self-judgment and impostor syndrome in relation to career success, using personal experiences and client stories as examples.



2:15 Mei Phing poses the question of self-judgment.

4:45 Mei Phing shares her journey of deciding to dye...

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Ep103: 3 tips to overcome shyness and communicate with confidence. corporate skills personalities


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses three tips to overcome shyness and communicate with confidence: 1) Stop judging yourself harshly, 2) Embrace your personality as a strength, and 3) Recognize the importance of communication and learn the necessary skills.




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Ep67: Get along with co-workers. Communicate better. people culture personalities


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses the story of a student client who didn't understand why his friends didn’t take his advice and why he struggled to build relationships with team members. Through coaching, he learned how his extroverted personality traits...

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Ep65: What job is suitable for me? Personality matters. job searching personalities


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses the story of a client who was struggling to find a suitable job realized that his personality, specifically taking things too personally, was the root cause of his unhappiness at work. Self-awareness and understanding one’s personality...

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Ep45: Are you an arrogant person or just confident? people culture personalities


In this episode, Mei Phing discusses how Confidence can easily turn into arrogance, so it’s important to understand how you come across to others and strive to be friendly and get along with people.



0:45 Understanding the difference between confidence and...

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